Carrying or keeping firearms or ammunition, or committing other acts in violation of firearms control regulations, but not serious enough for criminal punishment; (一)非法携带、存放枪支、弹药或者有其他违反枪支管理规定行为,尚不够刑事处罚的;
Pistorius was also given a three-year suspended sentence for contravening the firearms control act by firing a pistol in a busy restaurant, to run concurrently. 此外,皮斯托瑞斯还因为在繁忙的餐馆开枪而违反枪支管控法案,被判处三年缓刑,与上述判决一并执行。
Firearms control protocol of the UN Convention against transnational organized crime; 联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约管制火器议定书;
The carrying into or out of China of firearms and ammunition shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of Measures of the People's Republic of China for the Control of Firearms. 携运枪支、子弹进出境,按照《中华人民共和国枪支管理办法》的规定办理。
The United States Constitution together with its Second Amendment constitutes the federal law concerning firearms control which is simply the most significant, authoritative and earliest in time. 联邦立法中,涉及枪支管理的最重要法是美国宪法,美国宪法第二条修正案第一次也是最权威的规定了公民的持枪权。
These firearms control laws fall in two levels: the federal level and the state level. 美国的枪支管理法分为两个层次:联邦立法和州立法。
Federal laws have legal force within the whole country and mainly deal with the basic principles of firearms control as well as issues which individual states cannot handle alone, such as interstate or international firearms transportation and sales. 联邦立法在全国范围内都有效,其主要规定了枪支管理最基本的原则和单一的州立法无法涉及的问题,如跨州或跨国枪支运输和销售。
In order to effectively control firearms, the US has enacted a great number of firearms control laws. 为了严格控制枪支,美国进行了大量枪支管理立法。